Friday, January 4, 2013


Yes, this is what we have woken up to this morning--gorgeous, cold frost. I guess it's appropriate as many of us are sick in our household. We are feelin' kind of "frosty." :) Anyway, Happy New Year to each of you, and next week I hope to get back into the swing of things with Tuesday's {Tips}, Organizational {Friday}, the Hymn and Scripture 2013 Challenge, etc., so be watching! Have a blessed weekend, and thanks to all of you that join in!


  1. Rest in the Lord, Patter, and I hope that you and yours are feeling better soon. I am thankful to be able to stay in and do some sorting, arranging, and card-making this morning, and thankful for heat! Pioneers would have had to chop wood and carry water! grace & peace---Jennifer in Ohio

    Galatians 3:12-14

  2. Hope you are all feeling better soon. No frost here in Charlotte yet…something to look forward too.


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